Sadus Vraal (1)Full unit name: Vraal, Sadus
Last updated: 23.08.2024 13:55:49
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Known Facts (4)
Missing Link (4) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Mola Haxtor
    This is not a grooming behavior. That's tool use at the very least.
    Sadus Vraal
    I know that and you know that, I'm just saying neither the university nor the garrison - nevermind, we have company.
    Mola Haxtor
    Hi, I'm Mola Haxtor, this is Professor Vraal, we're applied xenozoologists. Could you settle something for us?
    I'm sorry... "xenozoologist"?
    Sadus Vraal
    We study alien life-forms. On Taris, that pretty much means rakghouls.
    Mola Haxtor
    Come look at this. We implanted a recording device in a rakghoul and released him. This image is from the footage of his warren. It looks like a new species of rakghoul. Taller, meaner, dominates normal raks, and when it was being recorded, it, uh...
    Sadus Vraal
    It reached over and shut the transmitter off.
    I didn't think rakghouls were that smart.
    Mola Haxtor
    They may not be, but the evidence is compelling. If he were playing with a switch, he'd flick it on again. He hasn't.
    Sadus Vraal
    Because rakghouls barely use tools. They're not sentient. If these ghouls are capable of tool use, our colony defenses need to be changed. But we need the footage off our device to be sure.
    Mola Haxtor
    This is why we need someone - you - to find our rakghoul and extract his recording device. Besides the obvious academic prestige, it is essential that the Republic find out how dangerous this new species is.
    We'll go.
    Mola Haxtor
    Thank you. Obviously, the footage and your life are top priority. Find the rak, kill the rak, grab the camera.
    Sadus Vraal
    And run.
    Mola Haxtor
    Be careful. It's extremely unlikely this species evolved since the bombardment. Either it was under extreme pressure to diverge... or it had help.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1, Elara Dorne, Mola Haxtor
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Mola Haxtor
    You're back! Let's cue up that footage and see the rakghouls.
    Mola Haxtor
    Calm down, Mola. I think some thanks are in order.
    Mola Haxtor
    Yes, of course. We'd never go into the warrens, even with an escort... this wouldn't have happened without you.
    The swarms were pretty thick in that warren. You'll get something you can use.
    Mola Haxtor
    I'm sorry, this is a chance for a doctorate... for a significant contribution to xenozoology and the colonist effort. I got excited.
    Sadus Vraal
    Mola, how about phrasing it like, "Tarisian colonists probably all owe you their lives"?
    Mola Haxtor
    You don't think that's more abstract?
    Sadus Vraal
    I'll upload the footage. Let's talk after we've looked it over.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1, Elara Dorne, Mola Haxtor
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Mola Haxtor
    The new species has a lair that looks like an ex-power plant. And it's got - get this - crude, recent construction.
    Mola Haxtor
    Mola, the fact that they can build a ladder is the least of our worries. Day two, minute eleven - one of the new species pushes away the others in order to get at a food source.
    Mola Haxtor
    But he pushes them without touching them. It's very clear, there is no contact.
    Sadus Vraal
    The new species can use the Force.
    Hero of Tython
    Rakghouls know only aggression and fear. That's a recipe for the dark side.
    Sadus Vraal
    That's what we're afraid of. We're no experts in the Force, but this new species seems more psychotic than predatory.
    There is a widespread theory that the rakghoul plague was an artificial creation of the so-called "dark side." Thus, their evolution deviates from the standard model. But it leaves us with some disturbing possibilities.
    The order will want to know of this... as well as a great many scientists.
    Sadus Vraal
    We'll publish our findings soon enough, but right now we have greater concerns.
    Glad we didn't find this out during an attack.
    Sadus Vraal
    That was the base commander's opinion, too. And we still don't know the most critical information.
    There's no other explanation?
    Sadus Vraal
    We're sure.
    Mola Haxtor
    We don't know if just one of the new species is Force sensitive, or all of them. If it's all of them, the garrison is considering evacuation.
    Sadus Vraal
    This is the largest threat facing Taris. We need eyes in that rakghoul lair!
    Hero of Tython
    This could be easier than you think. An intelligent species might try to communicate.
    Sadus Vraal
    Don't think I'd take that bet.
    Mola Haxtor
    All right. The lair you want is deep in rakghoul territory. Some of the power plant structure is still recognizable. I'll fit you with a transmitter so we can see what you see. Get close enough to film the creatures - but if one notices you, do what you have to.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1, Elara Dorne, Mola Haxtor
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Bay-Yon Siu
    Approach. I am Bay-Yon Siu, of the Sanej Temple. My body perished long ago. This holocron projects my recorded personality, which we Jedi use to educate future generations.
    Danah Jor
    Hey! You, the one who killed the nekghoul! Open the lock, this holocron is crazy.
    Bay-Yon Siu
    Calm yourself. I am incapable of madness. Madness is internal chaos, and there is no chaos, only harmony.
    What did you call the dead thing?
    Danah Jor
    Nekghouls. He named them, not me.
    Hero of Tython
    Before I open that door, maybe you want to tell me who's in there.
    Bay-Yon Siu
    He is the Jedi Knight Danah Jor. He entered the warren. He sought battle, and the nekghouls... reacted.
    Danah Jor
    Of course I did. Anyone could sense the darkness here. And you, old man, are the source.
    Bay-Yon Siu
    Danah misunderstands. The nekghouls became Force sensitive and activated me. I have taught them, but only to help them master themselves. Had he not invaded their territory, my lessons would have sunk in better.
    Danah Jor
    All they learned is better ways to kill. You saw it.
    Bay-Yon Siu
    This Jedi Knight, Danah Jor, entered the warren. He sought battle, and the nekghouls... reacted.
    How can you justify teaching predators the Force?
    Bay-Yon Siu
    Humans are predators, as are Twi'leks, Togruta and other sentients. Nekghouls, also, can choose their path.
    Danah Jor
    He keeps saying that, but he's been trying to teach them manners for years. It won't work.
    Why are they keeping him alive?
    Bay-Yon Siu
    The nekghouls are currently drawing power from dark emotions.
    Danah Jor
    Say it! They tear out colonists' hearts in front of me because they feed on fear and disgust.
    So they've attacked colonists. Then this is no theoretical threat - they're sadistic, premeditated.
    Bay-Yon Siu
    Some Sith have done worse before choosing another path. What they do is from ignorance, not hatred. If you lived in a cave all your life, the first time you saw light it would be painful. The darkness would comfort you, and you would only go toward light again when you found the courage. That is how it is with nekghouls.
    Danah Jor
    There's hundreds of those things beneath us, by the reactor. He sees them as no threat, but they can't be allowed to live. He wishes you to use that control panel to fire the reactor and lower its shielding. That would bathe them all in radiation. It would be the mass murder of sentient creatures and make this place uninhabitable.
    Bay-Yon Siu
    Revenge is not the Jedi way, Danah. Your plan will create ruin and poison.
    The creatures are dangerous, but we would hear both sides.
    Danah Jor
    They were born of dark side sorcery. They cannot change.
    Bay-Yon Siu
    It merely requires time, which I have. They cannot harm me. Leave me here with them and seek death no more.
    Teach them, then. If they can think and choose, they can learn. Reach them if you can. We will go.
    Bay-Yon Siu
    Your trust will not be forgotten. Now free this man.
    Danah Jor
    I'm free, but they live unpunished. If I can't give justice to their victims, what will I do?
    Hero of Tython
    Learn from your mistake. Return to the surface. Then meditate upon the actions that led you here.
    Return to the Jedi. Tell them they can't invade this place like you did.
    Bay-Yon Siu
    Yes... no one can enter here in hate. They will be fed upon, as you were.
    Danah Jor
    I... I will do so. Thank you for saving my life.
    Bay-Yon Siu
    You are a remarkable person not to give in to instinct, a lesson these nekghouls must also learn. It may be generations, but what is done with the dark can be undone by the light. One day, they will walk on Taris as humans do.
    Sadus Vraal
    Professor Vraal here. We got everything recorded. Good work. We heard the plan. We'll keep watch on the site. Now, clear out of there before something hears all this talking.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1, Elara Dorne, Bay-Yon Siu, Danah Jor, Mola Haxtor


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Taris Resettlement Authority
Missing Link (Professor, Xenobiologist)
Known roles
Taris Resettlement Authority
All characters this character met
Missing Link
Hero of Tython
Missing Link
Missing Link
Missing Link
Kira Carsen
Missing Link
Elara Dorne
Missing Link
Qyzen Fess
Missing Link
Aric Jorgan
Missing Link
Corso Riggs
Missing Link
Mola Haxtor
Missing Link
Danah Jor
Missing Link
Bay-Yon Siu
Missing Link
Missing Link
Complete list

Full unit name: Vraal, Sadus Last updated: 23.08.2024 13:55:49